Upcoming Show

I finished re-finishing the tables for the college.  They came out fine.  It’s amazing how a fresh finish can revive a tired looking piece of wood.  They look almost new again.  I still have to hang onto them for now though.  I have some of them in my trailer.  I can’t fit all of them without stacking them which I don’t want to do with fresh finish.  I want it to let it age for a while.  For now, I’ll just work around them.

I started a new project yesterday.  Nothing much but the Guild is doing a show in Bratleboro at Vermont Artisan Designs in Brattleboro.  This the second time we’ve done it.  It runs the month of August so come on in and check it out if you get a chance.  Anyway, I am making a blanket chest for the show.  I have made several blanket chests as spec pieces and I usually have good luck with them.  This one is made from some nice sapele,(aka ribbon stripe mahogany) and should look nice.  I will have a picture when it’s done.  I will also have the bed I did recently.  You saw it if you’re a regular reader.  Hopefully it’ll be a good show.  last year I sold a blanket chest, so, of course, Michele said she wanted another one this year.

Lastly, I have once again signed up for the MS bike ride.  It will be the weekend of August 8 and 9 and is a total of 200 miles.  I am still looking for donations, so if you want to help, click here.  Every little bit helps.  I only need a couple of hundred more to reach my goal.

Well that’s what is going on for now.  Thanks for keeping up and as always, feel free to comment, drop me an e-mail, or visit my website.  www.brooksidewoodworking.com.