Happy New Year

Hi again.  Yes, I’m still here.  I was checking and saw how long it’s been since my last post.  Wow, I didn’t realize it had been that long.  Good thing I’m better at making furniture than I am at writing about building furniture.  First of all, I wasn’t able to do the MS ride.  It just didn’t work out.  I couldn’t raise the money that fast what with the economy the way it’s been.  I am going to try again this year.  Keep checking.

As to what I have been doing.  I recently completed another sleigh bed like the one in the last post.  It is the first full size bed I have made.  It looks a bit odd that size, but I am used to seeing it bigger.  I haven’t delivered it yet though.  The customer is re-modeling and work is not going as fast as first planned.  Also, he apparently had some kind of accident and got hurt pretty badly.  I haven’t heard anything recently, but I guess he is ok.

Next, I just got a deposit for a Morris chair.  I haven’t made one of those in a while.  I’m looking forward to getting going on it.  I will turn it into a kind of how-to lesson in how I make my chairs.  Next time, I’ll add a history of it too.  How it came to be etc.

Thirdly, We have signed up for the Vermont Craft Council Open Studio Weekend this year.  It is something we have done in the past but haven’t for the last few years.  It a state-wide tour of studios of all media on Memorial day Weekend.  There are wood people, ceramic people, jewelry people, glass people and lot’s of others.  Check it out.  It’s a great way to see some real talented people doing what they do best.  We will be offering deep discounts on all furniture in stock.  Not because there is anything wrong with it, but because we like to turn over inventory and keep thing fresh.  In future posts, I’ll be showing what we have and how they came to be.  Because of this, I won’t be able to participate in the Killington Stage Race this year.  I was considering riding in the citizen’s race too.  But I guess business before pleasure.

Well, that’s all the news I have time for right now.  I promise not to wait another 6 months to write again.  Thanks.